Case Studies

image IBM i
National Retail Company Locks Down IFS & IBM i Login Access with iSecurity Suite
image IBM Z
Avon Modernizes Report Distribution With TRMS
image IBM Z
Salt River Project opts for JCLplus+ and XREFplus+ DBr
image IBM i
PEI-Genesis Goes Lights-Out for IBM i Monitoring, Compliance & Security
image IBM i
AbsMessage Helps Keep Shaw Broadcast Services Running
image IBM i
Columbia Insurance Group Automates Processing Schedule with absScheduler
image IBM i
iSecurity Makes Sox Compliance a Breeze for First Acceptance
image IBM i
Polaris Cuts Costs, Improves Operations with absMessage
image IBM i
Carhartt Solves PCI Compliance Conundrum
image IBM i
BTC Minimized Backup Time and Space Needed with absCompress