fastGENR is an ultra-high-speed utility that replaces IBMs IEBGENER in z/OS environments.
fastGENR copies sequential data sets and members of partitioned data sets, generally 50% to 90% faster than IEBGENER, saving CPU, SRB, EXCP and elapsed times.
fastGENR is designed to gain control in place of the standard IEBGENER utility and emulate IEBGENER functionality at a much higher speed.
Saves time over IEBGENER– Elapsed as well as CPU-time (MIPS)
Significant savings in human resources and money
Multiple Input/Output Capacity
Eliminates concatenated data set order restrictions
Provides easy customization of product at an installation and/or job level
FastGENR is designed to intercept and process all standard calls to IEBGENER. fastGENR goes beyond the capabilities of the IEBGENER utility, offering system-wide performance enhancements. Regardless of data set size, fastGENR offers added value through its useful diagnostic information, expanded printouts, and enhanced copy features that significantly improve data reliability and copy performance.
fastGENR supports a multiple I/O facility that can copy many input files to a single output file or a single input file to multiple output files with large number of files in the same step. In copying concatenated disk data sets to a sequential file, fastGENR does not require that the large block size data sets be specified first.
Data sets with unlike DCB characteristics, such as LRECL or RECFM, can be copied to one another with fastGENR performing the data conversion, without using exits or special user routines. Combined with the multi-I/O facility, data from many different sources can be normalized to one standard output file.
We’re happy to answer any questions about our software and what we do.