iSecurity Native Object Security’s capabilities enable system administrators to easily define target security levels per IBM i object and object type, and check for inconsistencies between actual and planned object settings.
Native Object Security also enables using generic object names and includes full reporting features.
Easily defines target security levels by object and object type
Checks and detects inconsistencies between planned & actual security settings
Provides proof that your data is secure according to planned security settings
Reduces the number of security rules an IBM i admin is required to maintain
Enables multiple object security rules templates for application to different objects
iSecurity Native Object Security allows users to check target (planned) settings with the current object security status, and show inconsistencies as well as setting the current security status to the planned status.
iSecurity Native Object Security allows users to set up multiple object rules templates simultaneously, using generic naming capabilities. You can apply template settings to actual objects, in case there are changes to actual security settings. For example, you can apply template setting when a programmer is installing a new product, when a vendor is supplying an updated version of an existing product, or when reloading a system or objects from backup.
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