Press Releases

SEA Releases Update to its z/OS Total Report Management System (TRMS)

Software Engineering of America (SEA), a leading vendor of data center management solutions on the IBM Z & IBM i platforms, announces the immediate availability of TRMS 7.03, the latest release of SEA’s Total Report Management System.

SEA Announces the Release of the JSLplus+ Plug-in™

Software Engineering of America Inc. is proud to announce the release and availability of the JSLplus+ Plug-in, compatible with any Java Eclipse-based IDE for IBM Z.

SEA Releases Major Update to its z/OS Sysout Accumulation Viewing & Retrieval System ($AVRS)

New enhancements enable enterprise access and integration with Sysout information via RESTful API and Web browser add-ons

SEA Releases Major Update to Its Z Systems Report Management Solution - TRMS

New enhancements improve search, image management, and provide added capabilities for AFP and DJDE viewing for z Systems users

SEA Releases New absMessage Web Interface for Managed Services Providers

Service Points interface enables MSP's to easily monitor and manage system activity and critical resources across multiple clients.

SEA Strengthens Its JCL Batch Management Solution With Support for JSL and Java Batch

Software Engineering of America announces new features as part of its existing JCLplus+ Eclipse plugin toolkit to detect errors, visualize flows and cross-reference components for Java batch and IBM’s Job Specification Language (JSL)

SEA launches absScheduler to the IBM i Market

Software Engineering of America Inc. announces the release of absScheduler, a job scheduling and workload automation solution for the IBM i (AS400).

SEA releases JCLplus+ and SAVRS Plug-Ins for Topaz Workbench

Software Engineering of America announces new features as part of its existing JCLplus+ Eclipse plugin toolkit to detect errors, visualize flows and cross-reference components for Java batch and IBM’s Job Specification Language (JSL)

SEA Announces the Release of the SAVRS Plug-in™ for IBM RDz™

Software Engineering of America Inc. is proud to announce the release and availability of the SAVRS Plug-in for the IBM Rational Developer for z System (RDz) Integrated Development Environment (IDE).


We’re happy to answer any questions about our software and what we do.