July 29, 2024 | IBM Z

Jakarta Batch Versus Spring Batch for Java Batch Processing


In addition to JCL batch processing, IBM Z systems can also run and support batch programs written using the Java programming language (Java Batch). Java Batch processing can be used alongside traditional JCL batch processing to integrate with, supplement, or replace JCL processing. 


See our blog posts on Why Use Java Batch for IBM Z Batch Processing? (Part 1 and Part 2) for more information on using Java Batch processing for Z batch management. 

Jakarta Batch Versus Spring Batch  

There are two well established frameworks developers use for IBM Z Java Batch application development: Jakarta Batch and Spring Batch. Each framework provides predefined code and features for creating, maintaining, and running IBM Z Java Batch processes. Both frameworks are widely used for enterprise batch development and have been continuously developed, used, and improved over the last 20-25 years.  


There are several considerations when deciding which framework to use for Java Batch processing. You can use either or both frameworks for IBM Z Java Batch development, although you may want to settle on a single framework for consistent development tooling. Here are some key items to consider when looking at using Jakarta Batch or Spring Batch for Java Batch processing: 

Jakarta Batch/Java Batch: From J2EE to Jakarta EE   

Jakarta Batch processing has evolved over the years from the J2EE specification in 1999 to Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE) to Jakarta Enterprise Edition (Jakarta EE). It is designed to be portable across different Java EE-compliant application servers. Jakarta Batch is a comprehensive specification and programming model for Java Batch processing based on the JSR 352 specification 


Jakarta Batch can also be referred to as Java Batch. It includes an XML-based job specification language (JSL) which enables developers to create jobs using XML syntax and Java application artifacts. Using JSL, artifacts, job steps, chunks, and other JSR 352 constructs, code can be reused across different jobs. Jakarta Batch also contains a batch run-time environment designed for running Java Batch applications.  


Other valuable Jakarta Batch capabilities include job checkpoint and restart functionality, along with support for data parallel processing through partitions.  


Jakarta Batch/Java Batch jobs can be created and managed using Eclipse-based Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) such as IBM Developer for z/OS (IDz), Micro Focus Enterprise Developer for Eclipse, native Eclipse environments, and others. Java Batch validation and quality control processing can be provided using Eclipse-based IDE plug-ins such as JSLplus+ from SEA. Java Batch plug-ins can provide quality control capabilities for existing batch processing, minimize production defects, and improve overall efficiency, including: 

  • JSL syntax checking 
  • Error detection 
  • Semantics validation 
  • Artifact verification 

Spring Batch: The Enterprise Java Batch Alternative 

Spring Batch is an open-source framework for batch processing. Originating in 2003 as an alternative to the J2EE specification, Spring Batch is a solid framework with over 20 years of development and production history. Spring Batch does not directly implement the JSR 352 specifications contained in Jakarta Batch. Instead, it integrates with the specifications and implementations that were developed under J2EE, Java EE, and Jakarta EE.  


Spring Batch is a comprehensive and lightweight framework within the Spring ecosystem. It provides tools for implementing batch processing solutions in Java applications. Spring Batch takes advantage of the productivity and ease-of-use features found in Spring Framework. Where Jakarta Batch’s strength is that it’s a set of specifications and standard APIs for building enterprise applications, Spring Batch simplifies IBM Z batch application development by providing integrated modules and projects.  


When dealing with IBM Z batch processing, Spring Batch provides logging and transaction management, skip logic, job restart capabilities, and processing statistics. It also offers partitioning techniques and optimization features for processing large volumes of data more efficiently.  

The best choice for IBM Z Java Batch processing? 

While it’s popular to compare Jakarta Batch to Spring Batch as competitive technologies, choosing which framework to use for Z batch processing may boil down to specific requirements and developer preferences.  


For instance, Jakarta Batch is more portable across different Java EE-compliant servers, which may factor into your decision. If your developers are more comfortable with Spring Batch and the Spring ecosystem, you may want to take advantage of existing organizational preferences. Spring Batch provides a higher degree of abstraction and developer ease-of-use while Jakarta Batch may appeal to programmers who prefer a more standardized approach.  If, however, you have a preferred plug-in for batch validation and quality control processing such as JSLplus+, that may sway the decision to use Jakarta Batch.  


When choosing a Java Batch framework, it’s important to understand how each solution aligns with your project, deployment, development team needs, and batch processing requirements. Your requirements will define your choice of tools. 


Please feel free to Contact SEA if you’d like to discuss your particular Java Batch programming requirements.